Morgan Folk Take A Walk

30 Day Challenge – Walking 4 Miles a Day

I am a pretty active person and I walk and do other exercises every week. I have been looking for something to ramp up my fitness though.

I was looking into joining a gym, but I am not great and getting myself in the car and out of the house to go to another location. We own weights and a rowing maching, so I have everything I need in my home to get a good workout in.

I was also interested in doing a 30 day challenge of some kind. I want to improve my skills at writing, drawing, digital art, gardening, cooking, etc… and I have been considering a number of 30 day challenges to jump start my skills in these areas.

The first 30 day challenge I decided to do is to walk 4 miles a day every day. This takes about 80 minutes a day. I started on July 10th.

I am already feeling the benefits. I have met and chatted with some neighbors that I had never interacted with before. I helped a 6 year old girl that was stuck in a tree. And I am really noticing how beautiful our neighborhood is in the summer. The flora in western Washington is absolutely gorgeous.

If you decide to join me in this 30 day challenge, feel free to tag me on social media. You can also use #TakeAWalk #WalkEveryDay and #30DayChallenge

I am interested to see how this 30 day challenge goes and I will keep you posted here and on Tiktok about my progress. Here is my tiktok if you want to follow along.

Have you done a 30 day challenge recently? If so, leave me a comment and tell me what you got from it.