About Me Writing Prompts

Challenge and Growth

In life whenever I have felt stuck, stagnant, and depressed I always just kept moving one foot in front of the other and eventually found my way into the next great thing for me. Sometimes (and I don’t know why it has to be this way) I seem to need some drama and trouble and hardship to get me to the next good thing. I guess I just need to feel like I went through something. If life was always 100% great or even just boring I would likely find other more dramatic and detrimental activities to be involved in.

The last couple of months I experienced a huge improvement, a plateau, and then some extremely challenging events.

On Monday I start a new job. I am excited and looking forward to making the most of this opportunity. There are new beginnings and exciting things happening every day.

I have seen over and over that the most challenging times often lead to the most growth and affluences.