
Always Say Yes to Yourself

If you are a creative person who wants to put their art out into the world, always say yes to yourself.  Your work deserves to be seen by people.  You never know what good might come from putting your work out into the world.  

Yesterday I saw a creator who was sharing her sketchbooks with the world.  Her art was childish and unrefined and some was cute and creepy but overall it was just messy.  She had filled a 90 page sketchbook in a few months.  

I found myself being drawn to her art and feeling inspired to get started on my own sketchbook.  Her sharing her sketchbook felt like she was giving me the little push I needed to go ahead and make messy art.  I have multiple sketchbooks and a tons of art supplies.   

She was giving tips to artists about how to get over artistic block.  She had sketchbooks for various topics and colors.  Her video was intended to help people get over the inertia and begin making art right now.  It worked! I grabbed my pens and I spent some time making messy art.  

If she had been too timid to show the world her doodles, I would not have picked up my book last night and started.  

What you do makes a difference! Share your stuff with the world.  You never know who you might inspire!