
Do You Love What You Do Every Day?

In my house sometimes we use the word “vegetables” to mean those things that you have to do in life that you do not enjoy or have a great desire for.  Things like chores, laundry, etc… 

Sometimes the things you want most in life are on the other side of a bunch of vegetables.  

Recently my house was hit with the plague. We each needed about 5 days of rest to get back to a healthy state.  

After something like this, I always find myself reflecting on what we are doing every day, how well are we progressing toward our ultimate goals, and seeing if we need to change anything about how we are running our life and family.  I felt like I was lagging after having been sick.  This feeling started to be a bit overwhelming and I was feeling like maybe I needed to make some BIG change.  

But as I looked over our daily life I realized we were right on track with everything we should be doing.  

Currently, both Ben (my husband) and I are making good progress toward some major spiritual goals.  Henry is learning and growing up and having lots of fun.  We are healthy and we are improving conditions for ourselves and others.  There is a lot of good that is happening every day.  

But as I reflected on what we do every day it struck me that WE EAT A LOT OF VEGETABLES, metaphorically.  

Not that I don’t enjoy what I do every day. I do.  

But do I wake up every feeling excited about the individual tasks that I have to do?  
No, not particularly.  

Do I love my life anyway? 

I have found that I take great pride and enjoyment in the fact of having completed mundane tasks every day.  When I clean the kitchen, or get a blog post or piece of art done, or get the laundry put away, or get Henry to learn something new I am happy.  I love taking walks with my family and I know that the physical exercise and good convo is valuable for us in the long run.  

Sometimes these incremental changes don’t seem like a big deal.  When I do the same things every day it can feel like being in a rut or not making progress toward any ultimate goal.  And I forget to acknowledge the little changes toward my goals and ideal scenes.  

But every single day that things are improving, even a little bit, was a good and productive day.  

I ate my vegetables.