
Has the World Become Bland?

I recently came a cross an article about how the world has become less colorful than it was 100 or even 50 years ago.  You can read the original article here.

There is a graph of bars of colors that get compressed with lots of grey as they move from 1880 to the present.  

This makes sense to me, because my house is literally filled with grey and white and black.  I was hoping to create a sleek and minimalist home.  Instead it is just bland.   

I see these gorgeous homes on social media with deep saturated colors and walls filled with art and trinkets and things that spark joy.  I want that.  

I am making a decision now to put more color in my life.  I don’t care if it looks messy or clashes or is unkempt.  

Who cares what other people may think about the decor in my home?  It’s mine.