
Hormone Fluctuations – Hot Take

I have a hot take about women and their menstrual cycles. But I think it is going to make some people mad. 😂

Women have menstrual cycles and monthly changes based on their body and its various levels of different hormones.

You could take any body (with any X or Y chromosomes) on the planet and give it fluctuations of estrogen and other hormones like women go through and every single person would experience intense emotional fluctuations because of those hormones.

And my hot take is that as a society we should do more to allow women to rest during their menstruation and work the hardest during their most energetic days/week.

Women should not be ashamed of these hormonal cycles and the changes that come along with them. There isn’t anything wrong with feeling extra emotional for a few days a month. It shouldn’t be embarrassing to say that I am a bit lower energy because of my cycle.

I think if women in general understood and tracked their cycles and planned their work schedules around these changes, everybody might be happier and get more done. ❤️

I am not sure why it is considered taboo or inappropriate to discuss such things.