
Philosophy Friday

People like to get get really intense on the internet about their viewpoints.

Myself included, from time to time.

I used to occasionally post something with the viewpoint of “a person would have to be so dumb to disagree with me on this”. 😂

My viewpoint has evolved over the last couple years.

Now, I think the only value a person can get out of posting their political/intense opinions on the web is that it helps them find their people and their tribe. How are we going to know who is on “our side” if we don’t communicate?

But…. And this is a big but. From my observation, engaging in debates with people on the internet on these topics makes them MORE intense in their opposition.

There is no value to challenging people if it just makes them more extreme and defensive about their viewpoint on that topic.

This isn’t to say that we should stop communicating. Communication is the crux of everything good that we have in life.

But when posting on social media about these intense topics that get people really upset, what is the intention?

Are you trying to signal to and find your own tribe? That is likely very effective.

Are you attempting to tell other people who disagree that they should change their mind and not be such bad humans? Because that is likely to backfire on you. 😂
