
Philosophy Friday – If You Leave Me a Nasty Comment

Someone read some of my blog posts and decided to try to tell me off.  They left me one nice comment and then one mean comment that they copy/pasted onto every blog post I have written.  I guess I touched a nerve with this person. 

I wanted to share my philosophy on mean/nasty/invalidating/upsetting/rude comments.  

I will never approve them to be shown on my blog or any social media account I use.  You will get deleted and blocked and marked as spam immediately.  The only person who will see your comment is me and possibly my husband.  

Secondly, I will feel sorry for you.  Anyone who takes the time and energy to comment on the internet to strangers negatively instead of just scrolling on by has some serious hurt in their heart.  People who attempt to hurt others on the internet are very hurt themselves and it is really a manifestation of being a broken human being.  They need help.  They need to get some good sleep and take a walk and eat a nourishing meal.  

I am not going to use it as a way to blast people to punish them for communicating.  I am not going to tag them or call them out by showing their comment or their user name. That is exactly what their action is asking for.  

I have found that I can ignore entirely this genre of comment/content and my life just continues to get better and better.   ❤️
