
What do you want to do when you grow up?

I always felt like a weirdo growing up because I didn’t know what I wanted to do for a career. My friend’s knew they wanted to be nurses, teachers, lawyers, engineers, dentists, etc… and all of my fiends who had those intentions when they were 12-17 made those careers happen for themselves. It is actually amazing to see them all achieve their goals that they set when they were young.  

When someone asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up I would always say “I don’t know”. I was the only one in my friends group that seemed to have a question mark on this topic.  

Since I began working I have done all of the following: 
– Commissioned Sales 
– Office Managing for a financial advisor 
– Medical billing for a Chiro office 
– Receptionist 
– Recruiter 
– Spiritual Counselor 
– Seamstress 
– Business owner (selling handmade fabric goods) 
– Mother 
– Sales Admin
– Writer (press releases and such) 
– Consultant/coach 
– And now I am the Admissions Director at a private Preschool/Elementary school 

In each of these jobs I had things that I loved to do. Most of these jobs were a JOY to do even though they are quite varied.

I don’t feel like any one job has ever defined me. Most of my jobs came from people observing that I liked to work and had certain aptitudes and they reached out to me to recruit me for a specific position.  

Once in High School a teacher went around the class and had everyone say what they wanted to do when they grew up. I said “I want to do something where I can continue learning all the time, I really enjoy research”. And she did NOT like that answer. Lol. She wanted a simple name of a profession. I didn’t have one, and I didn’t have a plan for my adult work life.  

At this point in my life I know that there are things I love.
– Learning 
– Helping people 
– Reading/Research 
– Helping to solve problems and troubleshoot systems 
– Writing 
– Goal setting (and working back through the sub-products to make that goal happen) 
– Working with people 

These things that I enjoy doing were a part of every job I have done!! 

If you don’t know what you want to do with your life, or you have a kid who doesn’t know, it is ok.  

They will find their way.