
Who Cares If Your Stuff Sucks?

I have wanted to start a blog since I was 18.  That was 14 years ago.  At the time when I originally was looking into beginning a blog at 18 I was told that blogging for income was “sort of a scam” and “not realistic” and “a fad”.  

If I had begun a website at that time and started writing, maybe I would have a different life now. But I know that regret is a useless emotion and the best way to combat it is to do something today to move you closer to your ultimate goal.  I can’t go back and do it all over again and say “So what?!? I am going to do it anyway!”

I wish I had journaled to chronicle the last couple years of feelings and turmoil with lockdowns and covid. I would be so interested to go back and read my viewpoint from that time and see the back and forth that happened in my own mind from everything that was happening.  But I didn’t.  Because I didn’t think anyone would want to read it.  

You know who would think it was interesting now?  Me.  

What if your blog/vlog/YouTube etc… sucks?  It probably will at first.  

Do it anyway.  

Who cares if your stuff sucks?  It is better to get it created and get it out there than to just wonder what would have been if you had followed your creative urges.  

I started a blog a few years ago and dropped it and lost interest in the brand and subject.  I felt stifled by having to “stay in the niche” that I was trying to develop and only write on one topic.  

I am a human being.  I am not a niche.  It is ok for me to just have a space where I can create and show the world my art, writing, hot takes, public journal entries, and book reviews.  

If you want to do something creative and share it with the world, do it.  It doesn’t have to be perfect to be worth sharing.  It doesn’t even have to be good.  Don’t stop yourself because there may not be any final result from it all that you can imagine. Just get started. You can’t get good if you don’t start.