
I like to be real with my social media content  

Overall, I try to be much more positive than negative, because I feel that that genuinely reflects my life and what I want to put out into the world. 

However, I resonate best with those people on social media that talk about the hard stuff.  People who share their challenges and hardships on the web are most real to me. Life isn’t always sunshine and butterflies and lovely things.  

Recently I posted about some challenges I have faced as a mom. There was negativity expressed in this post because I was experiencing some hard stuff. 

This got me more criticism than any other post I have made recently.  I had people DMing me and offering advices and suggestions (despite the fact that I stated that advices were not welcome). 

I didn’t post about my problem so that people could help me with it.  I am dealing with it.  Things are getting better.  

I posted about it because it is REAL and some parents REALLY resonated with what I said and loved my post. 

I am a successful adult despite MANY hardships I have faced.  To ignore the hardships is to ignore some of the things that made me who I am today.  

I am also not on social media to just complain all the time and be negative. There is a balance that I have tried to maintain between being realistic and also being mostly positive and inspirational.  

Some people curate their social media to be perfect and lovely all the time.  They show only the good stuff.  

Everyone has the right to do whatever they want with their social.  But for me, I prefer people who keep it real.  I prefer when people share some of their hardships and nitty gritty and tell us about the challenges that they have overcome.  

What do you prefer?  Feel free to comment your favorite people to follow on social media and why.