
Positivity is Pragmatic 

My life has improved every time I assume that those around me are well meaning and good people.  This isn’t to say that people are always good.  There are criminals and there are antisocial people.  But the far majority of people are good.

Whatever you tell yourself, you are right.  If you walk around with a viewpoint and attitude that people are not nice and you don’t like them, your mind is going to present to you with any and all data in the environment that proves that.  

Being an optimist or a cynic is not based solely on data.  These things are emotional.  

The way I have found to succeed in life and get the most done is to focus on what I want to accomplish, get productive, assume that I will win… and then persist until I actually do.  

All failures are fleeting and possibly just a sign that you need to pivot.

You can’t lose if you never give up.